WAKING UP is hard to do. Even if you’ve gotten a full eight to ten hours of shut-eye, getting out of bed in the morning can be such a drag…and if you’re body’s not energized from the get-go, it can be rough to get your day on track. Wake up your senses first thing in the morning with a class of yoga.
Most people love the idea of exercising on the beach with a nice and comfortable outfit AWAYA FITNESS
Sand is a great medium for a workout–it forces you to balance and use muscles you might not be using in your typical routine. But how do you exercise on the beach?
Why do yoga on the beach?
Practicing yoga on the beach is a full mind, body and soul experience. The smell of salt in the air, the feel of sand on your body and the soothing sound of waves crashing onto the beach gives the perfect scene for a calm setting. When you practice near or on the beach, your yoga practice becomes heightened and an amazing, beautiful experience where you feel 100% connected to yourself, at peace and completely alive.
Simply by connecting our breath to movement we become more aware, present and less tense.
We use our five senses to become even more in touch with ourselves, taking the mind off of our thoughts, the chatter, the tension, the past and the future – leaving us a whole lot happier and healthier after that one hour together.
Being aware of your senses brings you to a more focused, lighter and calm state of being – something I think we can all agree we need more of in our lives on a daily basis! Consider each sense during your practice…